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The Mystery Revealed!

Last post, I tried to make a guessing game out of the new pet that I got. Thank you for those that guessed verbally, and those that had their mental guesses! But now the time has come for the revealing!

And my new pet is….


A Whites Tree Frog! (Litoria caerulea)

I know, it’s odd for me to have a vertebrate pet, but I’ve wanted a frog of some sort for a while now and I figured this would be a great chance. He (?) has already made himself very much at home and has voraciously devoured any crickets that I drop in. When it comes to activity, he really just likes to sit around during the day, but at night he emerges and crawls everywhere (though the water bowl is definitely a favorite spot). Since he’s an amphibian, handling should be kept to a minimal due to his very permeable skin, but when I have taken him out, he is very docile and seems to just enjoy sitting. Or feel adventurous and try to go up my arm.

ImageThey are supposed to be long-lived (~15-20 years), so I’m looking forward to having this guy for a long, long time!

More info on caring for Whites tree frogs can be found here in case you want to get a frog of your own!